Seven Steps in Creating a Website

A website is the basis of any digital marketing campaign, and its creation process is especially strategic and carried out in stages.

A website is just one of the components of a digital marketing strategy. It is, however, the main component, as it will be on it that an entire digital marketing strategy will be based! A website can do much more for the development of your business than you might imagine! Of course, it will have to be a site that meets certain requirements or the benefits will inevitably be reduced or even non-existent, and may even destroy the entire established marketing strategy and even damage the company’s image!

Find out how Design really counts!

Creating your website will not even be an easy process. It will require a lot of effort on your part and a lot of knowledge and experience on the part of those who will develop it! To enter this path, you will need a trusted partner who can help you overcome all challenges.

It is important to stress that a successful website can only result on the basis of harmonious cooperation between the development team and the business owner.

The process of building your website will go through several stages, from the first interview with the client to its publication and maintenance. This process may vary slightly from designer to designer, but the basics are the same. Assuming that Webfarus will create your website, below we will introduce you to the 7 steps that we will take together.

PHASE 1: Interview + Briefing

This step is, without a doubt, one of the most important for your website to be well done and to represent your company’s image in the best way. Therefore, at the outset, it will be very important to define or clarify, between you and Webfarus, the global strategy and the main objectives of this strategy, namely as regards:

  1. Objective. Will your website inform, promote a service, sell a product? What do you hope to achieve by building this site?
  2. Target audience. What specific group of people will help you achieve your goals? First, think a little about the “ideal” person you would like to visit your site, considering their age, gender or interests. This will help you later determine the best design for your website.
  3. Content. What kind of information would your target audience like to see on your website? A particular product or service? Tips? News?

From this point, it will be possible to prepare a proposal and present the briefing. The contract and the service awarded will then be signed.

PHASE 2: Content (Marked Search + SEO)

The creation of the content for the website will be part of the contract as a task for you or Webfarus. It will depend on the agreement established. Creating content for a website is not a simple process! In order for your website to be competitive and more easily found by the target audience (for example, appearing at the top of Google), it will be very important that a competitive analysis is done, market research (read about keyword research) and the application of the famous SEO. The initial content for the site will then be created after (and from) the market research and briefing and optimized through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques and tools, which contribute to the site being found through the keywords of the segment in which it is inserted. It is a decisive step for the success of your business (read more about sites with low traffic).

Once the content has been created, applied to the site and optimized, it will not be desirable to change it. Any changes to the content already worked on must be properly covered in the contract, as they imply additional work.

PHASE 3: Layout + Design

After creating the content, the site map will be created – Wireframe. The wireframe is a kind of virtual “makeup” of the website, a draft that determines where each image, text, and button will be placed. This step is important, as it will be based on this wireframe that Webfarus will proceed with its work. In the case of a website created on a CMS platform, for example, on WordPress, Wireframe will be, in part, the chosen template and, in this case, Webfarus will present the template and discuss with you the color table, images and texts so that everything is coherent with its essence, as a person and as a company.

PHASE 4: Coding

Here we refer to the coding of the previously defined functionalities based on wireframe and website design. Programming consists of transforming the images and layout created into code that browsers can interpret. Websites are often created in pre-encoded templates, but generally it is necessary to make changes to incorporate custom features for each customer.

PHASE 5: Programming + Testing

At this stage, the created HTML and CSS codes are applied and that the website dynamics is created. At this stage, the necessary plugins are created and/or incorporated, thus reaching the first official version of the site. After the first version of the site, we started testing! It is through tests that developers are able to determine whether the site is, in fact, ready for publication or needs to be adjusted.

PHASE 6: Publication

Once the content, layout, design, programming and functionalities are approved, the site is then published. The website publication involves hiring a domain, that is, the address for your website (which in our case is and the hiring of hosting (we always recommend high-performance hosting as it greatly favors the SEO). We also recommend applying a digital security certificate.

PHASE 7: Maintenance

After the website is published, it is important to periodically maintain the website to ensure that all implemented features continue to function and that the contents and images are updated, keeping the focus of the target audience and following trends and changes in your segment.

Return on Your Investment

As stated initially, creating a website should not be taken lightly as it is the basis of any digital marketing strategy and will dictate the success of your internet business (you can read here about Attracting Leads). The creation of a good website requires the involvement of several people with training in different areas, such as designers, programmers, content creators and digital marketing technicians. The creation of a website may involve an ENTREPRENEUR with a vision who, indeed, will coordinate the entire project in the best way possible, interconnecting each of these pieces separately, transforming it into a successful business and a desired and profitable product. A technician does not commit to the return on investment as a bricklayer does not guarantee it for the walls he created when building his shop. An entrepreneur, yes!

Please, note

a technician is not an entrepreneur, and an entrepreneur is not a taskmaster!

Webfarus is proud of the work method developed and that, for many years, has been an asset to its customers! This method is based on a healthy, organized and productive collaborative partnership!

Create Your Site with Us!

marketing digital para dentistas

About Luís Horta

He has been a teacher in Portuguese Public Education for over 25 years. So far, he has helped create and develop more than 700 businesses in different areas in his career.

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