9 Fatal Mistakes in a Job Interview

The job interview is always a moment of anticipation and some nervousness for many people who are struggling to find a job. But in most cases, some poorly chosen attitudes or phrases can make the like hood of getting the position may be low. Sometimes, It is not enough to have qualifications for the intended role, therefore It is ideal to know how to act in these situations. Here are some of the most common mistakes in job interviews:


1. Saying you are not qualified enough for the position

If you show that you don’t think you’re qualified enough to fill that position, interviewers will find that you are not willing to learn or showing a intention that you may waste your time at their company. Many interviewees feel that this attitude demonstrates humility and sincerity and, when being interviewed for a position with which they do not feel very comfortable or do not have much experience, they choose to say that they are not qualified as they would like. But if you don’t believe in your potential how do you expect the interviewer to believe? Prefer to highlight your previous experiences, focus on your potential and your abilities. Analyze and understand your strength and weakness and explain why you would be benefitting the company.


2. State that you have no experience in a certain role of the position

Focus on your skills and demonstrate how you’d face this challenge. You may not think you are the most experienced person in a certain role, but be careful how you convey that. Prefer to demonstrate that you are confident and that your effort and experience will help the company overcome the challenges.


3. Constantly hesitate

You know those expressions “Aaaa…”, “Um…”? Avoid them as much as possible. It’s normal for an interview to be a little nervous, but try not to come across too much. An interviewer who perceives that the interviewee is constantly using these expressions or hesitating in what he/she is going to say, may understand these signs as a lack of confidence on his/her part or that he/she will not be able to communicate with clients effectively if position is given. If you are nervous, speak slowly, calmly. This will help you organize your thoughts and also show that you are calm and can be understood well.


4. Show that you have not researched the company

One of the biggest mistakes an interviewee makes is not researching the company and the position for which he is applying. If an interviewer asks you something related to that and you don’t know the answer, it will give the idea that you didn’t care to know the company and don’t even know for sure all the requirements for the role.


5. Show that you don’t know your CV in detail

An interviewer will ask you what’s on your CV and what positions you’ve held before. You should study your CV before the interview. Obviously you don’t need to memorize every details, but should feel prepaid and know all the projects you’ve participated in, the goals you’ve reached and your accomplishments. While at home, try and prepare for the interview, anticipating the possible questions that may be asked and studying the best answers for each one.


6. Talking bad about your previous job

This is a mistake that should never, ever be made. Even if you have reason to badmouth the company you previously worked for, never do it. You can spoil your chance to shine in the interview if you remember to speak negatively about your previous boss or his company. They will wonder how you will leave when it comes to quitting the position at their company. If they ask you why you want to change jobs or why you left where you were, prefer to say that you want to embrace a new challenge and focus on what you want for your future position. Talking bad about your previous position will not benefit you and will sound an alarm bell for whoever is interviewing you.


7. Talking little or talking too much

Don’t stop talking, or just expressing yourself through short and simple answers to every question that is put to you. An apathetic and uncommunicative candidate will not be a quick choice for interviewers. On the other hand, if you are too talkative, and jumping into other topics that isn’t relevant show you may have emotional issue and may not be able to approach a customer, client or pass on a message directly and may waste unnecessary time. Let the interviewer guide the conversation and the tone. Be friendly, professional and available. Don’t show too much intimacy with the interviewer or too much empathy. Focus on separation your emotions.


8. Lack of hygiene

Yes, the first impression someone has of you is your visual image. The first impact is quite important in an interview and importance is given to the look of the person being interviewed. When we talk about hygiene, it’s not just a reminder that you should take a shower before the interview. Take with you elements that can be useful for the pre-interview moments. Have you been driving and got sweaty? Use a deodorant. Stopped for coffee? Eat a menthol candy or a lozenge. Don’t use perfume too much, this can also alienate interviewers. Opt for a more careful image, with more formal clothing for these occasions. Even if the function is more informal afterwards, in job interviews you should always wear something more professional and elegant. And wear the correct shoes, because it’s the first that shows who you are. Many of them don’t polish their shoes. Polishing your shoes shows you were ready for this interview.


9. Don’t ask too many questions

If you want to leave a good image of yourself, at the end when asked if you have any questions, choose to answer yes. Use creative questions, showing that you are interested in learning more about the position or the company. An interested candidate will earn points over others. Be interested throughout the interview, with energy and positivity. Nothing displeases an interviewer more than an apathetic, silent and lacking energy candidate. Remember that a job interview is always important and should be prepared in advance. Study the company, the position you are applying for, and try to stand out in a positive way throughout the interview.


Show your personality and your strengths. Go with energy and confidence to the interview and show that you are indeed prepared.


Best of Luck!

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About Luís Horta

He has been a teacher in Portuguese Public Education for over 25 years. So far, he has helped create and develop more than 700 businesses in different areas in his career.

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